EBSCO (one of our database vendors) is offering us a cool new feature! You can have the tables of contents of journals delivered to you via email. Say you are following a topic in a journal that you want to keep on top of and don't wnat to remember to look in that journal every single month or issue date. This service just lets you know,based on your keywords, that an article has been published that you need to see.
Here's how you do it:
Creating a Table of Content Alert from Ebscohost
1. Open an EBSCO Host database from the Pierce Library page. Use the first one "Academic Search Premier."
2. Click on “Sign into my EBSCOhost” link (top left.)
3. Click on “I’m a new user” link or login if you have a login already.
4. Fill out the form and submit the info.
5. Click on the “Publications” link.
6. Select the journal you would like to receive alerts of TOC in your email
7. Click on the “Journal Alert” on the right side of the screen
8. Fill out the form (Run alert time, email address, and subject) and then click
save (if you would like to setup for multiple emails then put a semicolon between each address)
9. Repeat #5-8 for each title you would like to add.
How much fun is that?